Definition and Recipe For a Disciple
A disciple of Jesus is a person who has committed himself to a relationship with Jesus Christ through faith and repentance. His life is in the process of being changed by the power God through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, so that he can realize and develop his full potential as a follower of Christ. His goal is to eventually fulfill the Great Commission as he obeys the Great Commandment. This process of life development occurs in a sequential order, with each phase building on the previous one.
A Summary of Characteristics to Be Developed In the Disciple In Each Phase Of Spiritual Growth
Come and See: Phase 1
Level 1
Programs = Fishing pool, and Covenant Group
Programs = Fishing pool + Level 1 Covenant Group
- Beliefs – Belief that God exists, Belief that Jesus is God, Repents of sin, Trusts Christ as savior, Identifies with the church, is baptized, has assurance of salvation.
Level 2
Programs = Level 2 Covenant Group + Worship
- Additional Beliefs – Doctrines of God the Father, Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Christian life, the Bible.
- Behaviors – Trusts Christ as savior, Rejoices in salvation, cooperates with God in spiritual growth, Exhibits childlike faith, worships God, presses on to maturity, keeps a good conscience, and imitates what is good.
- Values and Attitudes – A disciple loves God and desires to grow spiritually.
Follow Me: Phase 2
Programs = BAG + ABF + Worship
- Behaviors – Growing faith in God, love for God and obedience to God
- Habits – Bible study, giving, prayer, serving, witnessing, worship
- Virtues – Compassion, forgiveness, fruit of the spirit, humility, purity, respect, sympathy
- Ministry Involvements – Undergoes training with a Disciplemaker, is personally involved in ministry, financially supports the church.
Be With Me: Phase 3
Programs = OAG (or MC) + ABF + Worship
- Behaviors – Praises, rejoices, and gives thanks to God; publicly displays faith, practices hospitality, and does good, trusts God for needs, lives a pure and moral life, obeys to the death, trusts Christian leaders with grievances, seeks only God’s approval, Uses Godly priorities, is a living sacrifice.
- Values and Attitudes – Values understanding all of God’s word, humble towards God’s commands, grieves for the lost, honors others above self, expects and accepts persecution, has an eternal perspective toward trials, rejoices in suffering, accepts God’s discipline. Perseveres in prayer, bears fruit of the Spirit, forgives and asks forgiveness, practices golden rule, constantly grows spiritually, perseveres in holiness, mentally prepared to serve Christ, lives a transparent and integris life, practices self-examination, faithfully awaits Christ’s return, seeks eternal reward.
- Habits – Manages own household well, tithes, and uses wisdom and prudence in decision making, tames the tongue.
- Virtues – Patience, moderation, humility, worthiness, love for God, fervent in Spirit, willing to suffer, relies fully on Christ’s power, above reproach, devout, reverence.
- Ministry Involvements – Faithful to his calling, Able to train and lead others ministry, manages and protects his ministry
Remain In Me: Phase 4
Programs = OAG (or MC) + ABF + Worship
- Behaviors – Makes Christ Lord, suffers and follows Christ to the death, endures wrongful persecution, glorifies God, places hope in God.
- Values and Attitudes – Puts Christ first, is content, intrinsically motivated.
- Habits – Abides in Christ, walks in Jesus’ steps, perseveres in faith, lives a holy life, submissive to Christ, lives as a sojourner, seeks heavenly reward.
- Virtues – Faithful steward of God’s possessions, a servant of others.
- Ministry Involvements – Intentionally evangelizes, completes his calling,models for his disciples, rejoices in his disciple’s fruitfulness, makes disciples of others, admonishes the unruly, rebukes false teachers, rebukes and restores sinning Christians, deploys other Disciplemaker’s in ministry.
- Ministry Relationships – Abides in Christ, Loves other Christians.