The spiritual growth of Christians is very important to us here at Antioch. That is why we offer Bible study classes and Small Groups to help equip you on your lifelong journey in becoming the person God created you to be.

Journey Into Discipleship: Co-Ed

Leaders: Elder Cordell Hall & Elder Winston Young

Day: Sunday
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Antioch Progressive, Rooms 8 & 9

A study of the basics of the Christian Faith.

Journey Into Changing the World: Co-Ed

Leaders: Deacon Carl Walker

Day: Sunday
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Antioch Progressive, Conference Room

A study of the Book of Acts.

Wednesday Prayer: Co-Ed

Leader(s): Dr. Saundra Smith

Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Antioch Progressive Prayer Line: 520-453-8793

This is a time of intercessory prayer for the church, family, friends, our city, our state and the world.

Wednesday Bible Study: Co-Ed

Leader: Rev. Dwight Jenkins

Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Facebook, YouTube or in the Church App by Ministry One

This group studies the Bible as God’s word, is open and welcome to persons visiting the worship service, those who are seasoned members and to those new to the study of the Bible.

Women’s Bible Exploration: Women

Leader: Class currently unavailable

Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Antioch Progressive, Dining Hall

This group studies the Bible as God’s word, is open and welcome to persons visiting the worship service and to those new to the study of the Bible.

Wisdom Seekers Bible Study: Co-Ed

Leader: Class currently unavailable

Day: Thursday
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Antioch Progressive

This group studies the Bible as God’s word, is open and welcome to persons visiting the worship service and to those new to the study of the Bible.

Small Group Ministry

To help people develop a personal relationship with Christ through Bible Study and Community while equipping them to do the same within their world.

Discover Group: New Christian Believer

Discover Group_smlIf you believe that God exists, believe that Jesus is God, repent of your sin, trust in Christ as your savior, identify with the church, are baptized and have assurance of salvation, then this is the small group designed just for you. After completing this 6-8 week course you will begin to actively participate in spiritual growth classes and begin to spend personal quiet time with God by praying, meditating, and reading your Bible daily.

Life Group: Growing Christian Believer

Life Group_smlIf your faith is growing in Christ and you want your love and obedience to God to increase, then this is the small group designed just for you. After completing this 12–14 month commitment you will be actively participating in Bible study, tithing, prayer, serving, witnessing and worship. Spending personal quiet time with God by praying, meditating, and reading your Bible daily will be a priority in your life.

Share Group: Committed Believer

Share Group_smlThe major intent of the Share phase is to deploy disciples as disciple-makers, leaders or helpers of ministries – those who can reproduce the training, character, and functions they have acquired by following Jesus. A disciple who has completed this phase has become a genuinely maturing follower of Jesus. He/she is a bold and resourceful witness to the Gospel, reading your Bible daily, and having learned to be fruitful even in the face of rejection, suffering, or sacrifice.

Enjoy Group: Disciplemaker

Enjoy Group_smlThe major intent for the Enjoy Group is to make and grow healthy disciples, to become Christlike, and dedicated in service to others under the direction of the Holy Spirit using your God given gifts, talents, and abilities. A Disciplemaker glorifies God, worships and submits to the will of God by praying, forgiving, teaching disciples to go out into the world, and living a holy life understanding that faith barriers may come, yet he keeps his focus on God and the needs of others.

Becoming a Christian